HELLIQ High IQ Society is open for only 1 in 30,000 of the unselected population ×
Demis Joel Villavicencio

General Information

Name: Demis Joel Villavicencio
Nationality: Argentinian
Birth: May, 2005
Gender: M
Languages: Spanish, decent proficiency in English & French



This 2024… I independently conceptualized and developed an original cognitive game based on scientific research (currently in testing). I also profited significantly from currency trading by accurately predicting Donald Trump’s electoral victory (in 2023, I did something similar with Javier Milei’s victory). In July, I created a composite index to analyze and correlate data across countries (Heritage’s Index of Economic Freedom is less manipulated than often claimed). During deep visual-thinking states, I also devised a DIY self-defense pen and a hidden camera.



Reading, writing, strategy games, expanding my knowledge of marketing, math and economics. Occasionally, I play soccer, etc.


About HELLIQ Society

HELLIQ High IQ Society

High IQ Society

Founded: 01/01/2001

Cut-off: IQ 164, sd 16

SDs above mean: 4

Percentile: 99,997th

Rarity: 1 in 30,000

Current Members: 375

Subscribers: 16

Coverage: 11,250,000

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