HELLIQ High IQ Society is open for only 1 in 30,000 of the unselected population ×

General Information

Name: Julien Arpin
Location: USA
Nationality: English, French



Software Developer, AI Engineer & Project Manager


Reading, weightlifting, puzzles, AI experimentation, cognitive science, lyricism & enjoying nature



Received the World Genius Directory 2017 Genius of the Year – America award
Placed first globally in a Tetris tournament versus 100k+ players on the official Tetris mobile application
Guessed 15 coin flips in a row correctly during a proctored test of intuition
Created automation workflows that have donated multiple metric tons of rice to third world countries through the WFP
Created the VAULT test and introduced the use of associations-based items to transformer-based AI benchmarking (associations underpin the embedding spaces and overlap between GPT processing and human cognition).


High IQ Societies memberships

International Society for Philosophical Enquiry
HELLIQ Society


About HELLIQ Society

HELLIQ High IQ Society

High IQ Society

Founded: 01/01/2001

Cut-off: IQ 164, sd 16

SDs above mean: 4

Percentile: 99,997th

Rarity: 1 in 30,000

Current Members: 375

Subscribers: 16

Coverage: 11,250,000

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