General InformationName: Andre Gangvik
EducationStudies in Natural Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology Studies in Occupational Therapy. Working on my bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology Engineering and I am looking forward to finally become an engineer in this field. |
Weight & cardio training, healthy nutrition, various music, the versatile cognitive abilities of the human brain, hand drawing (left handed), hiking & gaming.
Sports Distinctions
Former Alpine-Skiing Competitor, 1996-2001: F.I.S, Regional Junior Championship and in the National Junior Championship in the disciplines Super G, GS and in Slalom. My best performances were in the RJC, rank 8 and 11 in GS and rank 2 in Slalom.
Former Powelifter, 2012-2014: Competed at 4 meets in the three disciplines. Squat, Benchpress and Deadlift, in the -83 and -93 KG class on local level. My best achievements were: 200 KG SQ, 115 KG BP and 210 KG DL on 81 KG BW.
Personal Statement
I am proud to be part of this great 4 SD above-mean-society and hope to establish new fellows and companionship.
Email: [email protected]